
Experienced top manager Lauri Lugna joins Utilitas

Starting in June, Lauri Lugna, an experienced top manager, will join the management board of the district heating companies AS Utilitas Tallinn and AS Utilitas Eesti and will be responsible for procurement and administration. Aulis Meitus, a former member of the management board, decided to take time off and resign after a long-term contribution to companies.

According to Utilitas group CEO Priit Koit, Aulis Meitus made a significant contribution to the company’s development during the 26 years he worked here, and Lauri Lugna has to step into big shoes.

“The energy crisis once again confirmed that the readiness of the company providing vital services to ensure continuity must be 100% watertight, and under the guidance of Aulis, this was the case,” said Priit Koit. “The district heating sector and, more broadly, the entire energy sector is undergoing major changes. Lauri Lugna’s extensive experience in managing both crisis and innovation is a great asset for the company.”

Lauri Lugna, who joins Utilitas, is a top manager whose long experience in various positions in the Ministry of the Interior, including as a chancellor, also included the development of regulations for companies providing vital services. In addition, he worked as deputy general director at the Road Administration and chairman of the board of directors of the Enterprise and Innovation Foundation.

“Utilitas must ensure the security of supply for its customers and wants to do so in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Sustainability is a topic very close to my heart and I hope to contribute to its development in Estonia with my experience and knowledge,” said Lauri Lugna.

The management boards of AS Utilitas Tallinn and AS Utilitas Eesti will continue with three members: Robert Kitt, Chairman of the Management Board, and Janek Trumsi and Lauri Lugna, Members of the Management Board.